
Wikimapia celebrates three year anniversary

This month we celebrate 3 years birthday of Wikimapia, as well as passing the creation of 10 000 000 places and 2 500 000 kilometers of roads.

We launched Wikimapia with the aim to create and maintain an interactive, editable, free, multilingual, up-to-date map of the whole world

Our long-term objectives are clear - we need to describe the whole Earth:

all places (to create places outlines, titles, descriptions, addresses, categories);
all additional mapping data (islands, coastlines, rivers, etc.);
all roads (names, special information for routing and navigation);
all transport infrastructure (railroads, ferry ways, urban transport, etc.) in a way to use it for routing and navigation, not only for use in cars, but also for pedestrians and other use in transport;
all countries and administrative borders
Not all features are finished, but we are implementing them step-by-step, here are some of them which we plan to introduce very soon:

API, then all people will be able to use geodata stored in Wikimapia;
functional history for actions in Wikimapia;
ability to add many places on one area (for example: restaurant, shop and pharmacy in the same building)
We want to thank all our users for their help.

Let’s describe the whole world!

Alexandre Koriakine and Evgeny Saveliev

Wikimapia team