Wikimapia turns one year old
We launched Wikimapia a year ago, on May 24, 2006. It was an amazing idea and since that time Wikimapia takes the biggest part in our lives.
What has been done during this year? Wikimapia collected nearly 4 million places (+3700k plus +200k moved to trash, and +100k precise polygons created), +60k users registered in Wikimapia in 6 last months, +500k messages left by visitors.
Wikimapia also entered into 1000 most visited sites in Alexa statistics, it took nearly one year to do this.
We would like to thank our contributors for their knowledge, our visitors for their interest, Wikipedia for it's inspiration and Google Maps for supporting new technologies in the whole world.
What will be in the future? Road markup (in real Wikimapia way), address and routing systems, further evolution in search, more useful map layers, places filtering system, new user administrative functions, and other neat upgrades.We develop internet together, the future comes soon enough!