
Wikimapia Beta update

Hello All!

We have made a major update of Wikimapia BETA. The main thing - BETA is faster now and you will notice this, many internal functions have been rewritten just for this. Also you may notice back and forward buttons in design of the information window, they really helps in navigation.

There are not too many things left to completely release Wikimapia BETA, old version will also be accessible.

Few days ago we put some lines of roads interface to translation system, if you don't see them in your language, you may help to translate it at http://wikimapia.org/translate/.

Also linear databases were changed, this allow us to store, use, export and to do other manipulations without problems with all road/railroad/river/ferry networks in the world. And we made them more precise: positioning from 1-2 meters to within 0.1-0.2 m. (like the places). At this time we have 17 000 000 segments of linear features (in October 2008 we had only 500 000).