E-mail verification
Hello, Wikimapians!
We are introducing e-mail verification for new users, to help in the struggle against spammers and vandals.
Now every new user will have to verify his e-mail address after registration. Until the user completes this step his access level will be reduced to the same as a Guest's, so registration with a fake e-mail address gives spammers no advantage and no access to fully fledged users' features. It is also impossible to use the same e-mail address for more than one user account. For all email duplicates (of course we found some) we left last one (those, which have the newest 'lastseen' time) as is, and the others were renamed with suffix '__dupl%' (% - number of founded duplicate). All renamed mails are not verified.
All other currently registered users' e-mail addresses are considered as verified. But please note - if you change your e-mail address in your profile settings, you will have to verify it.