Wikimapia official Documentation release
We are happy to inform you that Wikimapia official Documentation is completed. Thanks to Advanced Users and Documentors we’ve reorganized and updated all previous materials and user guide written by Wikimapia Community and added a lot of new articles and sections.
We believe that Wikimapia Documentation will clear a lot of misunderstandings and debates. As all the guidelines and recommendations acquire an official status and significance now, you are able to refer to Documentation when helping new users, exchanging of messages or solving other issues.
We eхpected that some of you may ask about Don’t worry: we are not going to delete it. Wiki will stay like an unofficial storage source, that users can use for any purposes (upload images, make their pages, writing drafts for further projects or documents, etc).
Wikimapia Docs certainly needs to be translated. We are going to start a large-scale translation collaboration later, when everybody will familiarize with the Documentation. As we concede that Docs still may need a light correcting (there were a lot of information to check, so even the most accurate documentors could have missed some mistakes), we encourage you to leave comments at this topic, if you'll find anything obscure or incorrect.
You can find Wikimapia Docs by this link or at the top menu.