
Interactive roads


Today we are pleased to introduce a long-awaited feature - road interactivity.
As you can see, not only places can be added and described on Wikimapia, there are also roads. From the beginning it was difficult to browse for road pages as a user couldn’t open them directly from the default site mode. With the new feature the access to the road pages expanded, so you can hover mouse over any road and see it highlighted and the tooltip with its name appears. Then, if you click on the road you’ll see it’s description, which any registered user can edit.

This new feature is aimed to make data search easier and increase the amount of valuable information that might help you to orientate yourself on the map better.
Road interactivity is currently working on the New Wikimapia (http://new.wikimapia.org/) starting from the 12th zoom level. So you can already get familiar with the new feature and don’t forget to leave your suggestions for improving Wikimapia on forum and report us about bugs on bugtracker.