
Wikimapia official Documentation translation

Seems like a proper time for Wikimapia Documentation translation has come. As Wikimapia is a collaborative project, anyone can participate in translating the Docs into his/her language, but certainly the biggest part of work will lay on Documentors shoulders.

All translations will have such link - wikimapia.org/docs/Main_Page/fr (or your language ISO abbreviation), that should be created by Documentors. Until a full translation to any language will be completed, a user will see the English version of Docs, where he/she will be offered to contribute to the process of translating. After the translation is done, a user will be forwarded to the Docs page according to his interface language.

If you are a regular user, this is what you should do: first, inform a Documentor that you are going to help with translation (There also will be a link to Documentors list on Docs page - http://wikimapia.org/#lat=55.7522&lon=3 ... w_badge=26), then create a draft page on wikimapia.org/wiki and write your translation there. After you’ve finished, contact a Documentor again, so he/she could check it and move your work on official translation page of Docs.

Documentors duty is to create pages for translation, watch the procces of translating, help users and translate the Docs themselves, if they wish to do that.

Please remember that Wikimapia develops rapidly and some information in Docs might change in short time. So we all should be attentive to the changes in Docs and keep the translations up to date.