
Wikimapia July news

In spite of sweet summer days and charming weather, we on Wikimapia continue to improve the project for you. Here are the latest news on Wikimapia for July.

The access to the road pages expanded! Now the road interactivity is available on New Wikimapia. See the details on forum thread.

Wikimapia rapidly improves. Every day a lot of interesting places appears on the map and new features are released. Subscribe on Wikimapia Facebook and Twitter to keep up with the latest changes and take part in discussions.

Translation of the official Wikimapia Documentation has started. See the details in this topic and help translating Docs on your language.

We’ve re-started the Wikimapia blog aimed to encourage our contributors and share most amusing places and latest news on Wikimapia with you. Several articles, that you may find interesting, are already posted there.

Another minor but nevertheless useful edit on Wikimapia interface is my "My location" button. It allows to jump back to where you are at the moment no matter how far you’ve surfed through the map. The button is available on New Wikimapia and works in browsers with geolocation support.

[url=http://wikimapia.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=74&t=9969]A procedure of Advanced User proposal and promotion has been released. As a result new Advanced Users have appeared. Their duties are to edit the map and help users, so, please contact AUs, if you have any questions.

Wikimapia Community expanding every day! Here is some stats for the last month:

- 297674 new places were added on Wikimapia
- 26 292 new users joined Wikimapia community