
Wikimapia's new face released!

Good things come in small packages they say, and it is absolutely true for the news today.
We think that it is an appropriate time for making changes to the external look of the site has come. And theese huge news is dedicated to the results of our Wikimapia design changing. A global New Wikimapia interface revision and transformation has been made!

Interface update applies to all tools and features: from inside Wikimapia windows to buttons and fonts appearance.

New place pages:


Better tools navigation and layout:


Beautiful profile page and messages:

There are a lot of other upgrades also. All in all theese severally minor changes affect strongly the whole impression of Wikimapia and make the project more convenient. We hope you’ll like the new improvements and we would be glad to here your opinion. Wikimapia Team believes that this interface upgrade is a huge step towards being modern & easy-to-use.