
Logging in through Vk.com, Wikimapia Ads and other novelties

Wikimapia, the biggest geographical online encyclopedia, works ever day on developing new and improving old services for its users. Below you’ll find our latest news report.

As part of the company’s integration with social nets policy Wikimapia is launching quick logging in through Vk.com. Now each member of the social net will be able to cooperate with friends to share unique information about different places and join the community whose aim is to describe the world. Close integration with social nets is one of our main priorities.

Wikimapia has already launched logging in through facebook.com and now the company is looking forward to cooperating with other social nets and regional projects.

Wikimapia has also launched a new product – Wikimapia Ads, yet in test mode. It’s designed for small and medium business owners who now will be able to purchase ‘placement’ on Wikimapia maps and get their enterprise highlighted among the others and get a one-month free trial.