
Wikimapia September news

First Autumn month was cool and sunny. A perfect period for new developments. This time we have really big news for you!

We’ve launched the mobile version of Wikimapia! And that is huge! Now you can be in touch with Wikimapia wherever you are. Go to wikimapia.org on your phone and the mobile version will load automatically. See the details in Wikimapia blog news.

Wikimapia facebook has reached 10 000 subscribers already! And that is no surprise! We post interesting places and latest news here every day. Subscribe now and explore world's best sights with Wikimapia!

As you know, we’ve launched New Wikimapia in parallel mode in June. And today we finished with testing the new engine. Now, with roads interactivity, geolocation button, more satellite imagery providers and other new features (see the details in news about New Wikimapia) we are going to substitute the new version for the old one permanently soon. Stay tuned for updates.

We keep developing Wikimapia every day and we would be glad to receive a feedback on our work. If you have a bright idea of how to improve Wikimapia or you've found a bug, please make a report in our issue tracker. Participate in process of Wikimapia development!

P.S. painting: Albrecht Durer, Stag Beetle