Finally, today we are introducing an undo tool for linear objects revisions. It is now possible to remove any vandal revision or recover miles of good roads in one click.
The Undo button is located in the linear object revision interface (you open it by clicking on any linear revision in your Watchlist). Important note: just like the place history undo tool, you are able to revert only the last revision of a selected area!
As with all other linear objects functions this tool is available only for users with level 2 or higher.
Hello Wikimapians! We have moved Wikimapia to new faster servers. The movement has taken about half the day and Wikimapia was locked for editing in this time to prevent loss of information. As we moved to the new servers, hardware and software there may be some bugs, if you notice any, please write here.
Wikimapia Special pages list was moved into user's profile. It still has the same interface but now you can find it in Tools tab of your profile. Also Tools are available from main menu, as usual.
We are releasing new collaboration tool which is going to help users to work on wikimapia tasks together, for example: cleaning of cluttered areas, adding polygons to old places without polygons, removing duplicated streets and objects etc.
Right along with the tool we are starting the first collaboration "Adding polygons to places without polygons".
Here's a special map of users activity on Wikimapia. More light means more edit activity in that region.

We launched Wikimapia a year ago, on May 24, 2006. It was an amazing idea and since that time Wikimapia takes the biggest part in our lives.
What has been done during this year? Wikimapia collected nearly 4 million places (+3700k plus +200k moved to trash, and +100k precise polygons created), +60k users registered in Wikimapia in 6 last months, +500k messages left by visitors.
Wikimapia also entered into 1000 most visited sites in Alexa statistics, it took nearly one year to do this.
We would like to thank our contributors for their knowledge, our visitors for their interest, Wikipedia for it's inspiration and Google Maps for supporting new technologies in the whole world.
What will be in the future? Road markup (in real Wikimapia way), address and routing systems, further evolution in search, more useful map layers, places filtering system, new user administrative functions, and other neat upgrades.We develop internet together, the future comes soon enough!
As of March 8, 2007 the number of places on the Wikimapia has exceeded 3 million (we do not consider those 200,000 objects that were removed).
Soon we are planning:
to add more languages
to run localization
to develop wiki docs + internal forum
to start the polygons, finally
some more improvements